oneshi press table lilac city comicon 2019

After the Cons: Visit the Oneshi Press Tables!

Well, readers, we’re back from our two-week con-topia bender, and boy are we pleasantly exhausted. We spent four days at MisCon here in Missoula over Memorial Day weekend, then headed to Spokane, WA, to table at Lilac City Comicon. With six days at the cons and two days in travel, it’s been a wild and wonderful few weeks. We met new people, shared our work with the world, networked with other professionals, and increased Oneshi Press’s footprint in the inland northwest region.

We just arrived back at home yesterday, and now we’re catching up. On everything. Live-streams, laying out and prepping our next anthology, planning for more cons, catching up on sleep, and more. While we’re busy doing all of that, visit our tables! Here are some videos and and images from our adventures at the cons!

Visit the Oneshi Press Tables at the Cons!

Here’s a shot of our half-table setup at MisCon, with Lynsey G. for scale!

lynsey g oneshi press half table miscon 2019

And a walk-through of MisCon, from the Oneshi Press table up to the hotel lobby.

Next, a full-table shot of our Artists Alley setup at Lilac City Comicon, starring Lynsey G. and Jayel Draco.

oneshi press table lilac city comicon 2019

A close-up of the comics end of the table, featuring Jack—Jayel’s notoriously lurk-tastic (and also fantastic) brother.

jack brother comics oneshi press table lilac city comicon 2019

Here’s a close-up of the comics-and-drawings end of the table, with an action shot of Jayel working on a live-drawn commission!

fantasy end oneshi press table lilac city comicon 2019

And here’s a pan over the whole table, just for fun!

Though there was a ton of great cosplay at both conventions, we’re sharing here the best shot we got all weekend… A medieval-styled Cap and a WWII-styled Cap, side by side! Proof that all the fun happens at the Oneshi Press table!

cap and cap at the oneshi press table lilac city comicon 2019

And, of course, a quick shot of our adventure cat and company mascot, Chalithor, who made the journey to Spokane with us! Chalithor stretched his legs in the back of the truck at a gas station stop in Idaho, ever vigilant against possible dog encroachment…

chalithor road trip con-topia oneshi press mascot

Gigantic thanks to all the folks who helped us make the cons successful by supporting us at Patreon, on Kickstarter, by purchasing goodies at our tables or from our online store, and by just being awesome and supportive. You’re  the reason we can do things like these cons!

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