e-book Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #01

Call for Submissions to the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology

Anthology Logo by Jayel Draco

Hear ye, hear ye! Oneshi Press has a vision! We see a world where indie comics creators get published and earn royalties. Where comics fans immerse themselves in gorgeous art and explore new worlds. Where one anthology combines one-off short comics and pieces of larger stories into beautiful, bizarre, thought-provoking books, digitally and in print.

So we’re building that world. You’re invited!

Our anthologies are celebrations of the different, explorations of the weird, celebrations of the stories nobody else is publishing. We prioritize marginalized voices, prefer to show pleasure over violence, and seek out the unorthodox. We want to see sequential art that tells stories from unique perspectives, upends conventional ways of thinking, immerses readers in lushly imagined worlds, and makes us go, “Wow that’s gorgeous.”

Thus, we want to see your submissions of 8, 16, and 24-page sequential art stories. That could mean one-off short comics, pieces of larger graphic novels or series, short stories or poems told in images, or anything else you can think up.

Check out our available books in our store, or peruse the websites of our sci-fi graphic novel, Tracy Queen, or our gritty vigilante comic, PACK, to get an idea of what we’re into!

Here’s the nuts and bolts of how to get your work into OPQA:


The Basics

  • Oneshi Press is seeking sequential art (comics, pieces of graphic novels, graphic short stories, etc.) that is
    ebook opqa #01 table of contents
    Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #01 Table of Contents

    gorgeous, immersive, and progressive. That means we want to see work from less obvious points of view, and hear the perspectives of those who aren’t always the heroes. So tell us tales of nonbinary folks, people of color, pagans, weirdos, rule-breakers, boundary-pushers, marginalized communities, and fantastical realms that bend our imaginations!

  • We accept only submissions that have not been published elsewhere.
  • Simultaneous submissions are fine!
  • Submissions may be 8, 16, or 24 pages in length. We publish 8 pages at a time, so if you have a longer work, it will be spread out over several anthologies.
    • You may also submit extra art for consideration as a cover page for your work, but this is not required. Cover art is provided gratis for publication—we don’t pay royalties on your cover art.
  • All work remains creator-owned; we only ask for rights to first publication, and right of first refusal after publication.
  • We will publish in print and e-book formats.


  • We are accepting only sequential art and scripts for sequential art from writers at this time.
  • Scripts should be submitted in standard comic book script format. (Dark Horse has a great sample of this type of script here!)
  • If you only have a script at this time, but you have an artist lined up to illustrate it, that’s fine! Send us the script and a link to the artist’s portfolio!
  • We accept scripts without artists attached, but cannot guarantee that we will be able to secure an artist for your project.


  • If you only have concept art, but you have a writer lined up, send us art and a detailed, as well as a link to the writer’s portfolio.
  • We accept concept art submissions, but cannot guarantee that we will be able to secure a writer for your project.
  • We’re also looking for guest artists to showcase on our covers and in our pages! Send us an e-mail at info[at]oneshipress[dot]com if you want to know more!
  • We love fan art! Send your best renditions of our characters to info[at]oneshipress[dot]com for consideration!

Money Stuff

  • We pay royalties based on profits on a quarterly basis after publication of anthologies.
  • Oneshi Press will contract with one team member per submitted work.
    • Writer/artist teams may subcontract among themselves to determine how royalties are distributed within the team.
  • We will not be running a Kickstarter to fund printing for these books, but we encourage creators to promote our Patreon, which funds our printing.


We publish our Quarterly Anthologies every three months—on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis throughout the year. Deadlines for each anthology are as follows:

  • Anthologies released January 1:
    Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #02 Table of Contents
    • Submissions due on September 1 of previous year.
    • Finished accepted pieces due on November 1.
  • Anthologies released April 1:
    • Submissions due on December 1 of previous year.
    • Finished accepted pieces due on February 1.
  • Anthologies released July 1:
    • Submissions due on March 1.
    • Finished accepted pieces due on May 1.
  • Anthologies released October 1:
    • Submissions due on June 1.
    • Finished accepted pieces due on August 1.


  • Submissions must fit standard comic book specs: 7” x 10.5” at 300 dpi. We require an additional minimum of an 1/8” bleed if art meets the edge of the page.
  • Acceptable file types: .PSDs, .TIFFs, .JPGs, .PNGs.
  • E-mail your work to info[at]oneshipress[dot]com, or share your work with us via DropBox using the same e-mail address.


e-book Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #01

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7 responses to “Call for Submissions to the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology”

  1. […] publishing four anthologies a year, so they’re pretty much always the Oneshi Press websiteaccepting submissions. Next deadline is September 1! All the details are reblogged below from ! Get […]

  2. […] here’s the best part: YOU CAN GET PUBLISHED IN THE NEXT ANTHOLOGY! Oneshi Press is accepting submissions of 8, 16, and 24-page comics for their upcoming anthologies! […]

  3. […] Submissions guidelines can be accessed at the Oneshi Press website. […]

  4. […] our fifth indie comics anthology, due out on July 1, 2018, is only about a month and a half away. Read up on our guidelines here. Then send us your amazing, boundary-breaking, mind-blowing, progressive, immersive, gorgeous […]

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