black lives matter comics

Comics Readers Can Support Black Lives. Here’s How.

black lives matter comics
The past week in the United States has seen mass protests over the police killing of an unarmed black man, George Floyd. It has been frightening and uplifting all at once, as we watch our country experience massive upheaval over the systemic racism that has plagued our country since before its founding—an issue that must be addressed. During these protests, many people have been injured and many more have been arrested.
Oneshi Press may be a small indie publisher, but we are very proud of making books and comics that give a shit. We believe that black lives matter, and we care deeply about racial justice in America. As comics creators and sellers, we’re doing what we can to support the cause. So can you, as a comics fan!

Support BlackOwned Comics Creators and Businesses

You can help support black lives as a comics fan by shopping at black-owned businesses! Given the pandemic we’re still living through and current events, many small businesses are struggling. Comics fans can do a lot of good by supporting black-owned comic book shops, comics creators, and book stores.
  • Here’s a link to a Twitter thread of black-owned comic book shops in America. It provides you with options to support a black-owned LCBS near you. Or you can order from them online! It’s being updated constantly. Thanks to Tyler Cook for putting this awesome list together. 
  • We’ve also started a thread on the Oneshi Press Twitter asking for comics creators of color to post their links to stores, Patreons, Venmos, Etsy and Gumroad shops, and anywhere else folks can support their work right now. We don’t know yet how much it will take off, but you can follow it (and post your links!) right here.
  • Or, if you’re more of a traditional book reader, there’s a list right here of black-owned bookstores across America. You can get your favorite prose works while you support businesses that may be struggling through the pandemic and the unrest. Go shop now!

Donate through Oneshi Press

We pledge to donate all profits made on Oneshi Press Store sales of our books and comics, in both print and digital formats, to organizations that are supporting protesters during this time. On June 7, we’ll donate all profits from the week of June 1 – 7. We have not yet designated an organization, since the situation on the ground has been changing drastically day by day. When we’re ready to donate on Sunday, we want it goes to places that need it at that time. We hope to donate to bail funds or legal or medical support organizations helping protesters who have been arrested or injured. We will keep our eyes on the situation, as well, and consider continuing to donate profits after this week ends.
So, if you’re in the market for any comics, graphic novels, or illustrated fantasy books in print or digital, consider shopping at the Oneshi Press store this week—you’ll get great indie comics that give a shit, and your money will go to an important cause!
Thanks for giving a shit! Black lives matter.