free comic book day at oneshi press

Free Comic Book Day 2020 at Oneshi Press!

free comic book day at oneshi pressWhat’s Free Comic Book Day?

Comics fans may be familiar with Free Comic Book Day—an annual event when local comic book shops around the United States team up with publishers and give away oodles of free comics. FCBD, as it’s often called, is usually held on the first Saturday of May. But most comic book shops are currently shut down due to the pandemic. So this year’s FCBD has been postponed by its organizers till sometime this summer.

At Oneshi Press, however, we were so excited about Free Comic Book Day that we decided to hold our own FCBD event this weekend! So we’ll be offering FREE digital versions of select comics this Saturday, May 2.

Oneshi Press’s Free Titles

We’re making the first issue of PACK and Tracy Queen both FREE this Saturday only. And we’ll make three short comics from the Children of Gaia sci-fi-fantasy universe downloadable for free, too! Plus, we just miiiight offer you a sneak peek inside the pages of our upcoming project, Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter!

So, this Saturday, make a beeline to the Free Comic Book Day Category at the Oneshi Press store to grab your free comics! Join us in celebrating indie publishing, and make our FCBD complete at the same time! We’ll see you there.

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