Oneshi Press is embarking on a brand-new publishing journey! We love publishing comics collections, where each work of brilliance exists in conversation with others around it. But we also want to give our short comics the chance to shine on their own. That’s why, after nearly two years of publishing full-length books, we’re taking off in another direction with digital one-off comics on Comixology! First up? The comedy horror short “Guts,” written by Lynsey G., whimsically illustrated by Diana Camero, and lettered by Cardinal Rae.
This 8-page short introduces readers to Sam, an artistic soul recovering from a breakup. And to her feline companion, Tigre, who joyfully brings Sam the disembodied innards of small animals every day. When Sam calls an exterminator to take care of what she assumes is a mouse problem, she’s in for a shocking, magical awakening. Turns out, those guts aren’t coming from where she thought…
We know you’ll adore this tale of feline companionship, LGBTQ longing, and stone-cold kitty killer instincts. So head over to Comixology, where we keep all our digital comics, and check out “Guts”!
While you’re there, peruse our selection of comics anthologies, full-length comics, and our first Children of Gaia fantasy one-off, “Refuge”! They’re all available for less than $5 on Comixology!
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