The final winter holiday countdown is here! With just days till the winter holidays wrap up, it’s go time for last-minute holiday shopping. And, while Oneshi Press isn’t big on consumerism, we’re big fans of our products. So hey, if you’ve got a few gifts yet to source for this holiday season, here’s an Oneshi Press gift guide to help you through the process!
For the Batman-reading dog lover
If the person on your list is obsessed with morally ambiguous vigilantes—and with adorable, floofy doggos that take justice into their own paws, we’ve got just the thing! Our ongoing comic series, PACK, combines a classic tale of gritty crime-fighting with rescue dogs. The result is a refreshing new take on an old genre as written by Lynsey G, along with oodles of dog art by Jayel Draco.
Nab the first standalone issue of the series—PACK #1: Humility in print or digital, right here.
Or enjoy the first two issues spread out across our first six comics anthologies, available here! Each anthology contains eight pages from PACK!
For the devotee of butt-kicking, sex-positive feminists
But Tracy Queen isn’t just for folks who like kicked butts, shame-free sex, and feminism. It’s also a treat for pulp sci-fi fans, organized crime dramas, talking animal sidekick supporters, and much more. In this epic graphic novel written by Lynsey G. and illustrated by Jayel Draco, there’s a little something for everyone!
The first standalone volume of Tracy Queen will be out early next year. But you can get the first six installments—including all of Volume 1 and two installments from Volume 2—in the pages of Oneshi Press’s gorgeous comics anthologies! They’re all available in print or digital format over here.
For the Tolkein-obsessed fantasy fan
High fantasy isn’t for everyone. We get it. But those who like it, love it. The truth is, there’s just never enough high fantasy art and writing for a true fan of the genre! But Oneshi Press is on the cutting edge of creating new fantasy universes, worlds, characters, stories, and books. The Great Nations of Rendaraia is the first book set in the massive Children of Gaia fantasy universe, and it’s jam-packed with everything a fantasy lover needs: Cultural anthropology, magical theory, wildlife portraits, architecture, diagrams, airships, daring exploits, and even LGBTQ representation! Oneshi Press co-founder Jayel Draco wrote and illustrated this gorgeous tome, which you can nab in paperback or limited-edition hardcover here.
For the independent sequential-art addict
Some folks just can’t get enough comics. We don’t blame them—we feel the same way. But while there seems to always be a new big-name superhero title on the shelves, it can be a challenge to find well-rounded, beautiful, thought-provoking comics from indie creators. Never fear! Your comic geek need look no further than the Oneshi Press Anthology series! Our first six anthologies feature hundreds of pages of indie comics from dozens of creators all over the world! Each anthology is available in limited-edition print and digital formats, and will keep your comics lover busy for hours. Leaf through the art and choose your favorite—or grab all six and even preorder the seventh—over yonder!
For the all-things-art buff
Oneshi Press publishes books that give a shit. But those books are full of art. And our co-founder Jayel Draco is a ridiculously talented powerhouse of art-making. That means we’ve got gorgeous art all over the place. From pinup-style ads for products that Oneshi Press characters use every day, to beautiful prints of art from our books, to concept art pieces that dig deeper into our worlds, we’ve got wall art for everyone. Browse at our online store!
For the fandom merch collector
We all know that one person who lives for merch: T-shirts from obscure fandoms, socks with their favorite characters, bags and towels and mugs sporting their favorite series’ logo—they’ve got to have them all. Lucky for them, Oneshi Press has goodies featuring art from all of our original series. And we like to do deep dives to bring our fans the most obscure references possible—perfect for the con attendee who eschews cosplay in favor of impressing fellow merch fanatics. We like to call it “magnificent merch.” Dig in here!
For the all-around supporter of indie creators
Some folks aren’t the “gifts” type. They’ve already got everything they need, or they’re living that minimalist lifestyle. It’s tough to know what to do for these people around the holidays—but we’ve got an answer for you! If you know someone who likes to do good deeds and support independent creators, a gift subscription to the Oneshi Press Patreon will do the trick! Our subscribers get weekly work-in-progress art downloads, complimentary comics, and goodies like selfies and letters from their favorite characters! Sign them up at our Patreon page!