Now you can buy an e-book of our third anthology of creator-owned indie comics at ComiXology!
Digital Comics
A week and a half after the launch of Oneshi Press Anthology #03 in limted-edition paperback, we’re launching the digital version of this collection of short comics in e-book! Explore 64 pages of gorgeous, progressive, immersive comics! They’re free range, organic, antibiotic- and hormone-free, and totally independent. Enjoy work from fourteen comics creators and artists! All right on your electronic device, for just $2.99!
OPQA #03 boasts six short comics comics where dogs, heroes, vigilantes, villains, space travelers, and mutants empower, define, or destroy themselves. Tracy Queen’s epic journey toward stardom begins with self-discovery. Lomack finds a glimmer of love on a supply run into a bombed-out city. A supervillain lures a superhero into a life of crime. The PACK takes the high ground in a corrupt and dangerous city. Space travelers find the depths of paranoia in the depths of space. A prophesied hero steps up to humanity’s greatest prophecy.
Indie creators from around the world are inviting you into their worlds! Come explore! Grab your digital copy now at ComiXology—the world’s largest electronic comicbook store!
Want more indie comics? Our previous two anthologies are also available at our ComiXology shop!
Limited-Edition Print Comics
More interested in reading from print? Well then, lucky you! We have copies of our limited-edition trade paperback of this gorgeous volume at our online store. But they won’t last long. Order now before they’re gone!
You can also grab copies of our previous two anthologies, with even more indie comics from more amazing creators, at the Oneshi Press store! Load up while you’re there, because print comics are limited editions.
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