
The PACK #2 Kickstarter Ends Tomorrow! Here’s How to Help.

pack #2 kindness banner oneshi press

The Kickstarter to fund printing & distribution of PACK #2: Kindness ends tomorrow! The campaign is over at 6:00 p.m. Mountain Time on May 16…and we’ve still got quite a bit left to fund. If we don’t meet our goal, we don’t get anything, and we won’t be able to print this awesome comic book! So, here’s what you need to know, and what you can do to help.

About PACK #2: Kindness

Issue 2 of our canine vigilante comic book series is about Kindness, a sweet pit bull who was raised by a loving family but who now runs with the stray dogs—and stray man—of the PACK! His story is the center of this standalone comic book, and to be honest, it’s not a fun one. Pit bulls face not only discrimination against their breed from the general public, but also a higher likelihood of being pitted against each other in dog fights.

This issue aims to shine a light on the ways that these dogs are victimized and brutalized…and offers a ray of hope for rescue and a life after fighting. For Kindness, his redemption comes from fighting injustice rather than other animals. But for many other pit bulls, it comes from rescue organizations and adoption centers.

About PACK

Animal welfare is the central issue of PACK, and Kindness’s story may be one of the most deeply important to the series. But there’s also so much more going on in PACK #2: Kindness! There’s the continuing saga of a neighborhood gentrifying faster than its residents can cope with. The struggle of a police officer who can’t decide which side he’s on. And the plight of a young boy whose life is tied up with the cops, the  dogs, and gentrification… Plus lots more!

Lynsey G. is writing the series, Jayel Draco is illustrating it, and Cardinal Rae is doing the lettering. Oneshi Press is publishing the book, and brilliant artists Pink Pitcher, ShadoWind, and Renamecard will provide guest art! It’s gonna be PACKed with brilliance, honestly.

rewards pack #2 kindness kickstarter oneshi pressAbout the Goodies

First of all, let’s talk about what folks will get if we meet our goal.

  • Rewards all over the place! Each of our rewards tiers on the Kickstarter campaign has a retail value significantly larger than the pledge amount itself, and is packed full of digital downloads
  • Comics! If we meet our initial goal, every single backer will get PACK #2: Kindness in print and/or digital format in addition to their other rewards.
  • Stretch goals! If we exceed our goal by $500, everyone will also get PACK #1: Humility as a digital download…as well as two additional digital comics from AJ O. Mason! Check out the Kickstarter campaign for more details!
  • The warm fuzzy feeling of having done a good deed for a small indie publisher. Priceless!

If you want to get in on these sweet rewards, or if you just want to see this indie comic get printed, there are a few ways you can help make it happen!

How You Can Help

If you’re interested in supporting the campaign with a pledge, fantastic! And, if you can’t help with money, you can help just as much with a share! We know there are tons of dog lovers, pit bull activists, and comics fans out there, and we know lots of them would love this project! We just need to make sure that hey hear about the Kickstarter. That’s why we’re asking all of you, dear readers, to help by spreading the word!

Share this link with your dog- and comic-loving friends and family! Every person who sees it is another person who can share it! And every share will get deep gratitude…and wagging tails from the creators of PACK!

Here’s a video with more info!

And here’s the link to the campaign!

Love what you’re reading? Then sign up for our newsletter & get it all!

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