
About the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthologies

Oneshi Press Comics Anthologies, covers 1-8
Oneshi press Comics Anthology Number One Title
Scripture written by Brendan Rowe, Illustrated by Tom Barton

Our Vision

Oneshi Press has a vision! We see a world where indie comics creators get published and earn royalties. Where comicbook fans  immerse themselves in gorgeous art and explore new worlds. Where one anthology combines one-off short comics and pieces of larger stories into beautiful books, available online and in print.

And so Oneshi Press is building this world. You’re invited!

Our Anthologies

We’re publishing the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology, collections of Oneshi Press’s own projects along with comics by other creators! Every three months, see the newest pages of our feminist, sci-fi graphic novel, Tracy Queen, and our gritty comic about vigilante dogs, PACK, as they’re created! And meet other creators of comics and visual art!

First of all, Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #01 is already out! Inside, you’ll find the very first pages of Tracy Queen and PACK! OPQA #01 also features the beginning of a post-apocalyptic tale of mutant heroism: Lomack: The Giant Warrior Angel by Miguel Colón! It’s also got the stunning, visionary short story “Anthropocene Twilight” by Tom Swift Bird! Get your hands on OPQA #01 as a limited-edition trade paperback from our bookshop, or as an e-book from ComiXology or Kindle.

Next, we’re preparing to release Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #02, due out on October 1, 2017. It will feature the second installments of Tracy QueenPACK, and Lomack, and brand-new short comics from Dino Caruso and James Liswed, and Brendan Rowe and Creees Hyunsung Lee.

After that, we’re working on OPQA #03, which will debut in January, 2018. Prepare yourself for daring escapades with your favorite Oneshi Press heroes and new adventures from other creators!

Support Our World

With a growing community of indie comics creators and fans, Oneshi Press is building the world we want to live in! It’s brimming with gorgeous, immersive, progressive work, but it still needs your help. Support our vision (and help us pay our creators!) at our Patreon page, or by purchasing one of our books!

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