Beam Divider - extra long - by Jayel Draco

Oneshi Winter Art Exchange

Beam Divider - extra long - by Jayel Draco

Wishing you a creative New Year ! ! !

Like making cool stuff? Like getting cool stuff?
We’ll be randomly pairing up people who sign up and you’ll make something for the person selected for you,
but they’ll make something for someone else selected for them… The Maths are boggling!
Use this form below to sign up for the Winter Art Exchange hosted by Team Oneshi on Discord!


  • As far as what you can make, anything goes!
    Digital, Traditional, Photography, Music,
    if you can say you made it, you can give it,
    as long as you can figure out how to deliver it.
  • You must be a member of Team Oneshi on Discord,
    Discord is free to use, and Team Oneshi is free to join.
  • You must sign up by the 22th of November.
  • Sign up with either your Twitch or Discord username
  • A recipient will be assigned to you on the 25th of November.
  • You may stream your work, but keep the recipient secret.
  • Keep it PG-13, since everyone’s got different feelz about that.
  • Send your recipient a digital image of your art by the 23rd of December.
  • You may also mail them the original or a print if you so choose,
    and your recipient agrees to give you their mailing address.
  • After the 24th, post your work with the hashtag #OneshiWinterArtExchange
    on whatever social media platforms you use, the more the merrier.
    & post it in the Team Oneshi Discord Channel #WinterArtExchange
  • Put forth your best effort, and have fun!

Please Click HERE to and add yourself to this years raster.

Got questions about the Winter-Art-exchange? We’d love to answer them!

Feel free to ask us about this years Winter Art Exchange using the contact for below.