
Brent Sterling

Brent coloured The Zee Brothers: Zombie Exterminators: Mini Comic Part 01 featured in Oneshi Press Comic Anthology 7. Brent Sterling studied at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh & Owens Community College. He worked

Bo Christian

Bo coloured Crumple Installment 01 featured in Oneshi Press Comic Anthology 7. Bo Christian is a Texas comic book artist and writer. He has done previous work on titles Lucas Hahn: Sins of the Father published

Whitney Cook

Whitney Cook (she/her) is a freelance comic book colorist, writer & cover artist located in Florida. Her work has been featured by Big Dog Ink (Critter, Ursa Minor, Penny For Your Soul, Shahrazad), Devil’s

Wanda Kluge

Wanda “Lacerta” Kluge (she/her) enjoys immersing herself in TTRPGs, video games, and the peaceful practice of meditation. Her home is in Surrey, BC, Canada, where she lives with her wife, a