Beam Divider - extra long - by Jayel Draco


Beam Divider - extra long - by Jayel Draco

You may already know our dear friend Adrian King, host of the Adrian Has Issue Podcast,  a conversational podcast celebrating the culture of creativity. This podcast highlights the beauty in creativity and gives creators a voice. Lynsey and I have had the honor of being guests on his show several times over the years. During those talks, he’s helped us get to the heart of our projects.

Well, we were planning to talk with Adrian about our upcoming release of issue 4 of PACK, our ongoing comic book series about a pack consisting of 1 stray man 6 stray dogs who roam the shadows, doling out justice to any who would harm the innocent. But then, Adrian’s laptop died. We still intend to record that episode and keep Adrian plugged in. We’re calling on the love of our community to help us accomplish that.

Anyone who can help us out by donating any amount to Adrian’s Emergency Laptop Replacement Fund will be thanked on the episode’s show-notes page. Anyone donating $20 or more will be named during the episode as a show sponsor and thanked on air. Anyone donating $30 or more will also have their likeness included in a thank-you Illustration (you may choose to gift this reward to someone else). Just include in the message how you’d like us to contact you about your thank-you.

Thank you for your donations!
Adrian’s laptop replacement has been ordered!

Thank you so much to our incredible sponsors:

Heather & Wren | Starcodes | DrakeMagick | Justin Crash Doyle | Sara Rosenberg | Nora Littlebird Drew | Jacey Heckin Chase | Simon & Cara | Shawn Rouseau | Masphx

Here’s our day-by-day progress on this fundraiser:

Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


Day 4


Day 5


Day 6


Day 7


Our total raised for Adrian’s laptop: $550

Check out these episode of Adrian Has Issues we’re super proud to have been on: