First appearing in Oneshi Press comics Anthology 04 for writing The Bottle.
Ever sense A. M. Paulson was a child, she loved to make up and write stories. She would tell these stores to family and friends, and, seeing how they made them happy, she decided to become a writer. During elementary school, she wrote a play, and it was given the award for being most creative. In Eighth grade, Ms. Paulson was voted most likely to write a best selling novel. However, her main dream was writing comic books after picking up her first comic book at the age of nine. A. M. Paulson has had a poem published in Steampunk Magazine, and several short stories published through Pro Se Press. She got her BFA in theatre design and technology at the University of Memphis and is currently living in Richmond, VA where she is working on getting her non-profit ‘Hearts in Hands Puppetry’ off the ground while working as a painter.