
Recording the “Dwayne” Audiobook

Lynsey in the (home) studio

We’re in the (Home) Studio!

Our co-founder Lynsey G has set up her office as a de facto recording studio.

That’s because she’s started recording the audiobook of her novella “Dwayne“—the tale of a woman whose life is upended when a 15-ton boulder appears one day in her living room.

As you can see, the home office setup is a rather low-key affair. Which makes sense, since this is the first time she’s recorded an audiobook here.

Lynsey in the (not-home) studio in 2018

But It’s Not Her First Audiobook!

Just because she’s never recorded an audiobook in our home office before doesn’t mean that Lynsey has never recorded one!

To the contrary, in 2018, she narrated the audiobook for her IPPY Award–winning memoir, Watching P*rn, for Abrams. (You can check out Watching P*rn on Audible, Amazon, Google Play, or Kobo if you’d like to learn more about that part of her writing life!)

The recording was done at a slick, professional studio right here in Missoula, Montana. It was a huge learning experience, not to mention a ton of fun.

Get Ready for the “Dwayne” Audiobook!

Now, Lynsey is taking everything she learned from that experience into the recording of the “Dwayne” audiobook!

All of which is to say…you have a quality recording coming your way! Especially if we hit our $5K stretch goal on the “Dwayne” campaign, which is live till Tuesday, February 22. That stretch goal is ambient professional sound-scaping by David Gueringer of Next Arc Studios!

Remember, you can grab the audio version of the book as part of your pledge rewards, or add it on to your pledge in Kickstarter or after the campaign ends in BackerKit!

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Author: Oneshi Press

Oneshi Press is an independent publishing company based in Missoula, Montana. Our passion is creating stories that explore dark corners, shatter taboos, emphasize progressive ideals, and immerse you in intricate worlds. We’re inviting you to explore them! Our company publishes high-quality comics, graphic novels, and illustrated books that contribute to the collective conversation, helping to unify and transform one another into more nuanced thinkers and compassionate members of the world we share.

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