
It’s Alive! Or Undead. Reanimated? You Get the Idea…

mr guy zombie hunter relaunch banner
The campaign to fund Mr. Guy and the Origins Anthology is back from the dead! We just relaunched it on Kickstarter, smarter, sleeker, and with all the unholy strength of a reanimated corpse! We’ve got more rewards, more stretch goals, and more undead delights, so hurry over to Kickstarter and show your support!

Sweet Heckin’ Deals

one-of-a-kind zombie by jayel draco

You could get a shot at a one-of-a-kind zombie from Jayel Draco! The 1st 5 backers will each win one.

zee brothers: zombie exterminators, a novel by grivante

And, if you back in the first 24 hours, you’ll grab a download of Grivante’s Zee Brothers: Zombie Exterminators, Vol. 1!

Here’s the Plan

If we can smash past our $5K goal in the first 24 hours of the campaign, we stand a great chance of reaching our first stretch goal of printing the Origins Anthology, too! And the stretch goals coming after that? Even better! We’re looking at making a whole new zombie comic, releasing the Mr. Guy theme song by David Gueringer, and so  much more!

But, whether you preorder your copy of Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter now or later in the month, your support will help us reach our goal of printing Mr. Guy and supporting the work of 35 creators from around the world who contributed to it and the Origins Anthology!

Support = Support

Every pledge, no matter how small, helps us enormously! So do social media shares, comments, and likes! It’s all good, and it all helps this undead campaign shamble toward its goal! So, tell your friends, your fans, your family, and your followers! We’re gonna make this undead-er deal a ding-dang hootenanny!

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