
Getting Close…

Oneshi Press - Patreon Campaign Profile BannerOneshi Press is getting Close! We’re super excited to report that our preparations for launch are reaching a fever pitch! Our Patreon page is almost ready to show to the world, and we are tying together the last of our loose ends before we start to publish the books that will share our visions with the world!

The artwork that our resident artist, Jayel Draco, has been creating recently is enthralling, and the ideas flying from our head writer, Lynsey G, have been astonishing. We can’t wait to share all of it with you!

We don’t have an exact countdown to launch quite yet, but we will let you know as soon as we do! Stay tuned, dear travelers, and come back to visit us soon.

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Author: Oneshi Press

Oneshi Press is an independent publishing company based in Missoula, Montana. Our passion is creating stories that explore dark corners, shatter taboos, emphasize progressive ideals, and immerse you in intricate worlds. We’re inviting you to explore them! Our company publishes high-quality comics, graphic novels, and illustrated books that contribute to the collective conversation, helping to unify and transform one another into more nuanced thinkers and compassionate members of the world we share.

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